Posted by: craigbill | August 2, 2009

How Will We (Boomers) Be Remembered

I was just getting ready to launch this new blog site for Boomer Ministry and found an article from Forbes by John Zogby that addresses one of the key findings in LifeWay’s Research about the Boomer generation.

Boomers told us:

“I am trying to leave a legacy behind that is not monetary, that is not materialistic.”

“I’m definitely thinking about retirement and what these years ahead of me can mean to the kingdom. I want to remain faithful and end well.”

More than half the boomers we talked to are very concerned with this issue of investing their time in something that really matters in the years ahead—and in leaving a legacy that is not about material things.

Boomers are concerned about what their legacy will be. I can tell you this much—they won’t be satisfied with leaving a legacy of “consumerism and self-indulgence.” And they will be fighting to change that perception. Will your church help them?

Join me in this conversation.

Let’s reach our generation, in our generation, for Jesus Christ!

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